Matt Cochrane headshot

Hello, I'm Matt.

By day, Matthew Cochrane is a detective in South Florida. By night, Matthew is a writer and investor, helping others discover how the magic of investing can financially transform their lives.

Growing up, Matthew believed investing was an activity reserved exclusively for the wealthy, something well beyond the reach of the working class. After exiting the U.S. Navy in 2002, Matthew barely knew how to write a check, much less the difference between a stock and a bond.

As financial realities became a burden, Matthew knew it was time to confront his fears and get a handle on his finances. Matthew expected to discover opaque math and restrictive practices. Instead, he found relief and freedom through budgeting, saving, and investing.

Matthew now wants to help others find this same freedom from financial stress. A former contributor to Motley Fool and 7investing, he has written hundreds of articles on finances, stocks, and investing.

Matthew serves as a trustee on his police department’s pension board, a position he was elected to by his fellow officers. He lives in South Florida with his wife and four kids.

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